Common Mistakes To Avoid When Repairing Concrete Floors
If there are concrete cracks in your basement, garage or porch, it is crucial that you perform appropriate and timely repairs to prevent more costly problems. In this post, our garage floors experts at Guardian Garage Floors reveal some of the most common mistakes to avoid when repairing concrete floors.
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Using repair methods that do not work. Many homeowners opt for the cheapest and easiest options when repairing their concrete floors, but these techniques are usually not effective at all. A common material used to fill cracks in concrete is silicone caulk. However, it is only a short-term solution since caulk loosens over time. Hydraulic cement is another popular choice, but, due to its rigid nature, it does not bond well with the surface of the floor.
Using do-it-yourself floor repair kits. There are a lot of inexpensive do-it-yourself repair kits for concrete floors in the hardware store. When applied to incorrect circumstances, these solutions can sometimes be effective and quite long-lasting. The concern is homeowners typically do not have the expertise required to select the most suitable repair kit to address their specific needs and are not trained to apply these garage flooring solutions in the most efficient manner.
Not installing a protective coating after repairs. One of the main things that people forget when it comes to floor repair is aftercare. After fixing the cracks in the concrete, applying a polyaspartic coating will make the surface resistant to abrasions, punctures, stains and high temperatures, which helps prevent substantial and expensive damage down the line.
You can count on Guardian Garage Floors for high-quality floor coating solutions for garage floors, basements, or outdoor porches. Our experienced team aims to ensure the comfort and satisfaction of our clients in Nashville, TN and Rome, GA. Call us at (615) 819-5362 or (404) 882-3353 to learn more about our services. You may also fill out our contact form to request an estimate.