4 Reasons Why Epoxy Floors Fail

4 Reasons Why Epoxy Floors FailEpoxy garage floors are popular because of their affordability and ease of application. Unfortunately, they tend to suffer from peeling and tearing within just a short period of time. When this happens, homeowners resort to temporary fixes to extend their epoxy floor’s life span.

But why do epoxy floors fail? Keep reading to discover four common reasons this happens.

1. Poor Surface Preparation

DIY epoxy coating only requires floor washing or acid etching. Unfortunately, cleaning and acid etching don’t always work on oil-stained surfaces. Special preparation techniques are needed. And without the right preparation, epoxy floors will just peel off and fail prematurely.

2. Installation Temperature

Epoxy flooring has a few requirements for proper installation. One is that surfaces must be free of oil, grease, chemicals and foreign objects. Another is that the epoxy shouldn’t be applied during extremely cold or hot temperatures.

3. Contamination of Concrete

Concrete typically contains contaminants, and epoxy flooring only works if silicone, fatty acids, acrylics, siloxane and other chemicals have been removed from the surfaces.

4. Weak Bond

Good epoxy can surpass concrete pull strength with proper bonding. Unfortunately, most epoxy flooring kits can’t achieve this level of strength. Some may contain too many fillers — which is one of the primary reasons epoxy flooring is affordable.

To prevent all these issues, opt for polyaspartic flooring instead. Polyaspartic floors have exceptional protective strength and flexibility. They have impact and chemical resistance suitable for industrial-grade flooring for manufacturing or chemical processing plants. They are also a great choice for garages and can outlast epoxy floors.

You can always count on Guardian Garage Floors to provide you with high-quality polyaspartic floor installations. We are reliable and professional, so you don’t have anything to worry about when you work with our crew. Call us at (615) 645-3696 or complete this contact form to schedule a free consultation.

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