Month: October 2023

Do Floor Coatings Benefit Child And Aged Care Facilities

Caring for the elderly, children or people with disabilities requires a high sense of responsibility and duty to ensure their safety and well-being. That means ensuring that their facilities are built to keep them secure and comfortable without risking any injury or accidents. Even when it comes to flooring decisions for such facilities, it’s important to select the right type 

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Tips For Assessing A Flooring Contractor’s Reviews

Hiring the right contractor is vital to the longevity of your new garage floors. You must carefully assess a company before hiring one. Besides checking licenses and insurance, it helps to ask for references and do background research. Another thing that can tell you more about your prospective flooring installer is customer feedback. Read on to find out how to distinguish 

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Why Choose Polyaspartic Floor Coatings For Animal Shelters?

Animal hospitals and shelters require a specific kind of floor coating. The floors in these places need to be prepared for the number of people and animals that might come so they can withstand the high traffic and demands the vets and the animals bring on a daily basis.  In this post, one of the leading garage floors experts discusses the elements 

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6 Ways To Cut Down On Voc During a Home Renovation

Home renovations and remodels are a part of life that can sometimes be necessary for a homeowner. Unfortunately, a home remodel or renovation also means that you will be exposing yourself to volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, which are common in building materials.    VOC can be found in paint, varnishes, caulks, and garage floor finishes and can be very detrimental to 

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Dodge These Garage Floor Mistakes

When finishing garage flooring, most people rush the process and end up with a subpar result. In today’s blog post, Guardian Garage Tampa discusses the most common mistakes when finishing a garage floor. Poor Application Perhaps the greatest mistake is attributable to poor epoxy application. Bad floor preparation (i.e., not freeing it from contaminants and residues), together with lack of 

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