Month: October 2023

Polyaspartic Coating vs. Concrete Sealer A Quick Guide

Concrete floors are a popular option, as they’re sturdy and durable. Different coatings can also be added to these floors to protect the surface and boost their appearance. Among the most common floor coating options are polyaspartic coatings and concrete sealers. Here Guardian Garage Floors NC, a trusted expert in floor coatings, shares a quick comparison of polyaspartic coatings and 

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Three Tips For Choosing The Right Garage Flooring For Your Home

If you want to improve the look of your home’s garage and, at the same time, enhance its safety and value, then you should consider installing better flooring. You may not realize it, but flooring can do wonders to transform the entire appearance of your garage. What’s more, by carefully choosing and properly installing or applying your flooring material, you 

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The Various Advantages Of Reflective Flooring

If you work in an office environment, it’s likely that you’ve noticed that the building’s floors have a certain shine to them. This is because the office has what is known as reflective flooring. While your office’s reflective flooring may seem like the usual choice, surprisingly enough, there’s actually some strategy involved when choosing reflective floors. In this post, Guardian 

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Why Choose Polyaspartic Coatings for Your Concrete Patio

Polyaspartic floor coatings are a great solution for concrete patios. Not only do they add a beautiful finish and shine to your outdoor space, but they also provide superior protection against the elements and everyday wear and tear. This blog post discusses why polyaspartic floor coatings are a suitable option to enhance the beauty and functionality of your patio.  Durability 

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