Category: Uncategorized

The Disadvantages Of A Garage With Bare Concrete Floors

Let’s face it – a garage with bare concrete floors is just plain ugly. But aesthetic appeal isn’t the only reason why you should consider upgrading your flooring. While it might be a practical and cost-effective option, a bare concrete floor, especially in your garage, can lead to several different problems that could incur more costs in the long run 

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What to Consider When Choosing Flooring Materials for Schools

There are lots of factors that go into designing schools, from the right color of paint down to the type of flooring. When it comes to flooring, even more considerations come into play. Space, aesthetics, maintainability, durability, comfort, acoustics, air quality and cost are all important. Guardian Garage Tampa not only provides garage floors. Our technology also offers the best school 

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The Best Materials To Use For Commercial Bathroom Floors

Often exposed to high foot traffic, commercial bathroom floors need to be twice as sturdy and functional as their residential counterparts. Thankfully, there are several materials that are up to this task. Guardian Garage Tampa, a trusted expert in bathroom and garage flooring, discusses some of the best materials that you can use for commercial bathroom floors. Concrete Concrete is 

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4 Common Misconceptions About Polyaspartic Floors

Polyaspartic coatings are relatively new compared to similar flooring systems, and it’s understandable how misconceptions about it are still around. In today’s post, Guardian Garage Floors sets the record straight and debunks the most common of these misconceptions. Polyaspartic floors are too expensive. It is true that the upfront cost of polyaspartic floors is typically higher than more common options like 

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