Flooring Considerations For Wineries Breweries

Having the right flooring for industrial applications is crucial in ensuring worker productivity, seamless production, continuous business operations and impressive lifecycle cost savings. In wineries and breweries, when the floors are safe, clean and easy to maintain, they can provide owners and managers with peace of mind. Read on as we discuss important flooring considerations for these businesses.

Flooring Considerations


Floors in breweries and wineries must meet the requirements of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). When the floor is clean, productivity follows. Employees, customers and the products themselves will make contact with these floors, which is why any problems in terms of their usability will cause operations to hit a snag. Seamless industrial floors have a smooth surface and are stain-resistant, making them easier to clean.

Resistance To Chemicals

While ingredients used to make alcoholic beverages are usually harmless to most flooring options, the finished product can degrade certain flooring materials and systems, especially over prolonged periods of time. The chemical resistance to acid-based spills helps protect the integrity of the walking surfaces, minimizing potential permanent damage.

Temperature Fluctuations

Temperature control is an important facet of beer and wine production. However, thermal cycling, or the quick transfer of thermal states between hot and cold, can make the floors more vulnerable to wear and tear. Thus, the flooring material or system for wineries and breweries should be capable of withstanding these temperature shifts while maintaining their form.

Resistance To Impact

The production line of wineries and breweries can put an immense amount of strain on the floors of these facilities. There’s a risk of impact damage on concrete floor surfaces, especially when you consider the loads put on them by heavy machinery and equipment and other materials used for transport. Installing strong, impact-resistant flooring systems will help safeguard the longevity of concrete floors.

Guardian Garage Floors NC is the premier provider of the highest-quality polyaspartic floor coating systems in the area. Our products have many applications, including residential garages, retail stores and industrial workspaces. Get in touch with us to learn how this flooring system can be a great addition to your winery or brewery. Call (984) 205-9961 or fill out our contact form to request an estimate.

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