Garage Floor Coverings VS Coatings

Garage floors take daily wear and tear from moisture, oil drips and stress from continuous use, therefore you need garage flooring that can withstand these conditions. In this blog, Guardian Garage Tampa compares two of the most popular garage flooring options: garage floor coverings and garage floor coatings.

Garage Floor Coverings Vs. Coatings

Garage Floor Coverings

Garage floor coverings are available as rolls or interlocking tiles. These materials are laid on the concrete garage floor, often without adhesive or fasteners. Their main advantage is their ease of installation as you can finish covering a three-car garage in less than a day. They don’t require pre-coating or adhesives, though the concrete surface needs to be clean and dry before installation. They can also cover cracks and imperfections on the floor’s surface. Garage floor coverings are ideally installed on a level garage floor or the material may be pressed into uneven areas, causing it to crack or form indentations. Moisture in the underlying concrete won’t easily evaporate. This could lead to mold growth and make the concrete layer brittle. Also, most types of garage floor coverings have a significantly higher cost than floor coatings.

Garage Floor Coatings

There are various types of garage floor coatings, such as paints, stains and sealers. As a liquid garage flooring option, it has distinct advantages over floor coverings. Using our earlier example, garage floor coatings can be installed on cracked or dented garage floors. Garage floor coatings are also ideal for large garages. Unlike floor coverings, coatings do not have seams, which not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also makes them less prone to moisture penetration. It should be noted that to achieve these benefits, the garage floor needs to be properly prepared with no traces of moisture in the concrete. Polyaspartic concrete coatings are one of the more better garage floor coatings available, similar to the polyurea coatings used on truck bed liners. Polyaspartic coatings can be applied during low-temperature seasons. They dry quickly and can be as durable as epoxy resin when properly applied. Its resistance to UV rays makes it ideal for open-air garage floors. Guardian Garage Tampa is your leading provider of garage flooring services. Give us a call at [phone_number_tn] (Tennessee) and [phone_number_ga] (Georgia). You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Nashville, TN, and Rome, GA.

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