
Flooring Material Safety Features You Should Consider

Safety is a key consideration when choosing flooring material for one day garage floors. The right kind of flooring can reduce the risks of injuries. Guardian Garage Tampa discusses the safety features you should consider when choosing flooring material. Slip-resistant Features Flooring with slip-resistant features is preferable over wearing footwear with similar properties. The smoother and harder the surface is, 

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4 Rooms That Can Benefit From Polyaspartic Floor Coatings

Polyaspartic floor coating is generally regarded as a type of flooring for garages and commercial spaces. However, you might be surprised to learn that it can also benefit other parts of your home. In today’s post, Guardian Garage Floors shares the rooms in your home that can benefit from polyaspartic coatings. Bathrooms — Mention “bathroom” and “flooring” in the same sentence and 

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Top Anti-slip Commercial Flooring Options

When it comes to commercial flooring, it’s best to choose the type that will provide a safe work environment while also being able to withstand heavy foot traffic. That’s why experts encourage business owners to equip their commercial spaces with anti-slip flooring. However, there are several types of anti-slip flooring, which make it challenging for people to choose the right one. 

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