Tips On Using Polyaspartic Coatings On Outdoor Spaces

floor coating on outdoor surface

Polyaspartic floor coatings are designed for heavy-traffic industrial and commercial flooring as well as residential garage floors. They have excellent reliability, and they can also be installed quickly and conveniently. That is why this type of floor coating system has caught the attention of many property owners. Sometimes it is even considered for outdoor spaces, which is perfectly fine, although you have to take note of a few considerations to ensure an appropriate application.

In this article, Guardian Garage Floors discusses a few considerations that you should make when using polyaspartic coatings outdoors.

Polyaspartic Coating For Outdoor Use

In general, polyaspartic coatings can be used on a variety of surfaces like one-day garage floors and institutions like schools and hospitals. But despite this versatility, there are certain types of environment where a polyaspartic coating would not be suitable. You should avoid using this type of coating in areas where a breathable concrete sealer is required. Such applications typically include driveways or exterior stamped concrete. Remember that polyaspartic coatings are designed to provide protection. But when these are not used properly, the surface on which the coatings are used may not be able to breathe and instead exhibit moisture challenges.

But using polyaspartic coatings isn’t totally unusable outdoors. Installers can dilute the coating to make it breathable and more suitable for outdoor spaces. This means that polyaspartic coating can be applied to thicknesses of less than six mils, enabling it to become permeable and breathable.

Benefits Of Polyaspartic Coating

It no longer comes as a surprise why polyaspartic coatings are also being considered for outdoor use. Their advantages are simply hard to ignore. Installation is quick and easy, and the quality of the material is long-lasting. Polyaspartic coatings don’t require much upkeep either.

Guardian Garage Floors can deliver excellent results for garage floors residential as well as commercial kitchens and bathrooms. We use high-quality materials and observe industry standards to ensure customer satisfaction. Call us at (615) 645-3696 or fill out our contact form to request a free quote. We serve customers in Marietta, GA.

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