Why Choose Polyaspartic Floor Coatings For Animal Shelters?

Animal hospitals and shelters require a specific kind of floor coating. The floors in these places need to be prepared for the number of people and animals that might come so they can withstand the high traffic and demands the vets and the animals bring on a daily basis. 

In this post, one of the leading garage floors experts discusses the elements of a good animal hospital or shelter floor:

  • Slip resistance – Animal hospital floors need to offer adequate slip resistance, but not too much that it will hurt animal paws.
  • Cleanability – Floors in these places should be easy to clean and not easily stained
  • Seamless and impervious – Animal shelter floors should be capable of keeping animal waste and other harmful elements like chemicals on the surface so they can be easy to clean. This also works to reduce the odors caused by animal waste.

All of these, and more, are offered by polyaspartic floor coatings. According to garage flooring providers, they boast:

    • Customizable skid and slip resistance

Polyaspartic floor coatings offer a customizable level of skid and slip resistance. Contractors can be told to adjust the skid resistance depending on the client’s preferences.

    • Has great durability, cleanability and lifecycle value

This floor coating is very easy to clean, is very durable, and can last for as long as the floor itself.

    • Is seamless

Polyaspartic floor coatings are designed to provide seamless protection for the floor against chemicals and other things that can damage it.

    • Can withstand a lot of damage

Lastly, polyaspartic floor coatings are capable of withstanding more than your dog’s paws and nails when he scratches. They can withstand abrasions, moderate impact, punctures, stains, and chemicals.

If you’re looking for the best floor coating for your own animal shelter or hospital, look no further than polyaspartic floor coating offered by our pros at Guardian Garage Floors. We’ve installed this in many garage floors since 2008, and our years of experience assures you of great flooring work

Call us at (404) 334-2797 for residents in Georgia and (615) 278-9900 for those in Nashville. You can also fill out our contact form and request an estimate. We serve clients in Rome, GA, and Nashville, TN.

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