Polyaspartic Coating vs. Concrete Sealer A Quick Guide

polyaspartic coating

Concrete floors are a popular option, as they’re sturdy and durable. Different coatings can also be added to these floors to protect the surface and boost their appearance. Among the most common floor coating options are polyaspartic coatings and concrete sealers. Here Guardian Garage Floors NC, a trusted expert in floor coatings, shares a quick comparison of polyaspartic coatings and concrete sealers.

Polyaspartic Coatings

Polyaspartic coatings are made from aliphatic polyurea, a compound that’s superior to conventional polyureas. Although more expensive than other coating products, polyaspartic coatings promise easier application in various temperatures and weather conditions. It also has fast drying times, curing to full strength within 30 minutes to one hour.

This type of floor coating results in a hard, smooth finish that’s scratch- and stain-resistant, making it an ideal choice for high-traffic areas. It’s also available in a range of colors and decorative chips for a unique aesthetic impact. Polyaspartic coatings have low VOCs and odor, so the smell during application can be easily managed.

Concrete Sealers

Concrete sealers can either be acrylic-resin sealers or penetrative sealers like silane or siliconate. These lightweight sealers are best used on outdoor surfaces that are prone to damage from freezing and thawing.

The concrete sealers that you’ll find on the market have different chemical properties, so you have to carefully read labels to get all the information available about a particular product. Generally, though, concrete sealers are used for protecting surfaces from freeze/thaw cycle cracking, stains caused by oil drips, mold and dirt and minor corrosion due to chemicals and salt.

Guardian Garage Floors NC is a veteran-owned company with many years of experience working on basement and garage floors. We also cater to commercial clients, ensuring that their bathroom and kitchen floors are safe and durable. Call us at (984) 205-9961 or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate.

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